We have been learning all about fractions and what a fraction is. We decided that a fraction is fair. It needs to be the same shape, same size or the same number.
We have also been doing loads of thinking and problem solving in our maths. We think problem solving is hard but we are very proud of our learning!
WALT: find the fractions of sets and shapes.
Success Criteria
- I can use what I know to solve problems
- I can use a picture to show my thinking
- I can use materials to show my thinking
- My shares are fair (the same shape, same size or the same number)
How I am going
I can use what I know to solve problems
Kerri thinks
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I can use a picture to show my thinking
Kerri thinks
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I can use materials to show my thinking
Kerri thinks
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My shares are fair (the same shape, same size or the same number)
Kerri thinks
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My favourite part was: cutting the play dough
It was really hard when: I had to make it the same size
Something that really helped me was: Kerri teaching me and Deb
Something new I learned was: half and whole
Kerri Thinks
What a great job using the playdough to show your understanding of half and not half. You know that there are 2 halves in a whole and they need to be fair - no big half! You can share a shape in half and with support can share a set (bag of jellybeans so you and Toby get the same - is it fair?).
Kerri Thinks
What a great job using the playdough to show your understanding of half and not half. You know that there are 2 halves in a whole and they need to be fair - no big half! You can share a shape in half and with support can share a set (bag of jellybeans so you and Toby get the same - is it fair?).
Wow, Isaac, so much to learn about in a term. Great to see you starting with fractions. Keep working on your maths… we know you can do it.
ReplyDeleteMum and Dad.